The Conversion Of Visits To Purchases

For example, if you want to launch large-scale advertising in all cities of the Russian Feration, you should set up several separate campaigns bas on the geography of placements. You can create three campaigns: one for each capital and one for all other regions. Advertisement: VtzqvHis To get an idea of ​​how different the rates are, you can run the Budget Forecast tool and check prices for “L ceiling light” in Moscow and the Kursk region. If we consider a volume of traffic in Moscow, then the rate will be . rubles. per click. The request has a high demand, so clicks on ads are very expensive. If we consider the same volume of traffic in the Kursk region.

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then the forecast price will be . rubles. for the transition. It turns out that the difference in the cost of a click is more than %. Demand by target keywords The higher the frequency of key phrases, the larger the Bulk SMS Service in Sri Lanka budget the advertiser will have to prepare. As an example, let’s compare two commercial queries: a high-frequency buy a bike” and a low-frequency buy a Cube men’s bike”. To maintain the purity of the experiment, we will consider them in the same region – Moscow and Moscow Region. The Budget Forecast tool assumes that the average bid for the keyword “buy a bike” will be at the level of .

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Rubles when choosing a traffic indicator. Wordstat gives statistics of impressions by region – , times a month. The approximate cost of promotion will be , , rubles. The prict bid for the keyword “buy Cube AFB Directory men’s bike”, if you select traffic, will be at the level of . rubles. At the same time, the estimat number of requests will be only per month. Calculations show that a budget of only . rubles is requir. It is advisable to choose accurate key phrases to avoid excessive.

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