Offers even more products. What are the benefits of Google Shopping? The biggest advantage is that you put your products directly in the shop window of Google. This way the searcher knows immiately whether your product matches the intention he has. Google Shopping is more attractive to view in this regard due to the visual nature of these advertisements. The cost per click (CPC) is often lower than, for example, text ads. The impressions, on the other hand, are a lot higher, because more advertisers are shown. Also just from the same advertiser (as oppos to text ads)! The Click Through Rate (CTR) from the higher impressions is therefore lower.
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However the clicks you get have a higher chance of conversion. Because someone immiately sees whether you have the product they ne, the purchase intention is a lot greater. Also read: Google Cuba B2B List Shopping: tactics for an impressive ROI Because you still pay per click, you have your visitors at a lower cost with a higher purchase intention. That is why good agreements must be made between the platform and the third-party seller about who is responsible for what and this must be communicat well to the consumer. The importance of.
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These new rules Bol sometimes closes third-party web shops on their own platform, because nothing has been sold for too long. Doesn’t seem like a crazy arrangement at first glance. But if this AFB Directory seller sells products that bol also sells itself or where there are several sellers, then it is perhaps not surprising that few are sold at others. Bolalways puts itself at the top. These new rules in any case make it more transparent that bol always gives itself priority over other sellers, even if there is no objective reason for this. The competition is becoming fairer and more transparent.