The most important goal of . Then the process of retaining existing customers and turning them into loyal customers begins. Ultimately, the sales cycle in developmental marketing ends with converting consumers into brand advocates . is to retain existing customers.
The satisfaction of existing users is a priority
To ensure product and/or service loyalty. It is much simpler and more profitable to sell a product to an existing customer than to go through the entire process nigeria phone number library of acquiring new customers. Selling products in development marketing does not end the sales cycle.
While the sales cycle, that issales funnelwhich
Ends with a business transaction, that is, a purchase part of traditional marketing. Thus, developmental marketing does not end the customer relationship after the sale. On the contrary, developing a post-sales relationship is a way to create customer satisfaction and loyalty . Characteristics of development marketing.
Developmental marketing focuses
more on growth and less on the application of methods traditionally used in marketing. It uses strategies that have proven to be successful and for which it is try different ad formats possible to track the return on investment (ROI) .For example, it is easier to track the return on investment from display ads and online sales than from printed materials such as flyers, billboards and the like.
Characteristics of developmental marketing include:
innovation in production and access to the market and customers, adaptation of the strategy to feedback from consumers, focus on the product and/or service bulk lead itself, willingness to experiment, analysis of collected data with the aim of more efficient connection with existing users.
Advantages and strategy
Developmental marketing is based on best practices that include preparation, execution, analysis and audit, and enThe most important goal of development marketing all business segments