will lead to it being distorted, changed or forgotten. The written strategy also aims to develop the brand’s position in comparison to its competitors so that it is remembered by recipients. In the long run, this will translate into increased sales. In the above-mentioned. Survey conducted among managers. Directors and company owners.Respondents indicated .That 54% had a marketing strategy. Of which in written form: 33% have a .Strategy as a presentation, 22% as excel .Document, 7% of respondents with a strategy .Admitted that it was “In the ceo’s head.” as global research shows. 81% of company presidents .Perceive marketing as a key .Factor of growth and development. And 70% of respondents do not believe .That marketing has the right place .And role in the company.
At BUZZcenter, we like to compare
having a marketing strategy to a road map. You can reach your destination on your own, but using a map will help speed up the entire process and reduce costs. How to prevent burning your marketing budgets? If a company has a written marketing Estonia Telemarketing Data strategy as a document, it has a guarantee that this strategy will not be distorted. A large part of the document consists of analyzes and comparisons, positioning in relation to competitors and strategic recommendations. It is also good to have a shortened version that is sent to every employee in the company. After signing the NDA, it is worth telling the agencies executing the order that each subsequent subcontractor should have clearly defined directions of action and not act on their guard.
Brand management by a given company
also becomes much easier. While working on building the strategy, we perform research and analyses, get to know the target group and their Mexico Phone Number List needs, all this in order to learn unique insights, i.e. the client’s hidden needs. The key to success is responding to these needs. If you have knowledge about .The market, you know how your .Customer thinks and behaves. What his needs are and what.Media he consumes, you can plan.Marketing activities .That will reach .The right recipients. The marketing plan should result .Directly from the developed.Marketing strategy, this is when we can .Assume that we are. Acting in accordance with .The rules and not. Burning our marketing budgets.