the basic data we should know about the customer

Customer and marketing activities Customer and marketing activities Human data is often used in B2C campaigns, but it is extremely valuable in B2B processes.o reach the right person with the right message. From a practical perspective, let’s imagine a company that sells, for example, anti-burglary roller blinds for windows. They invest approximately PLN 70,000 in marketing every month . The company is profitable, so no one carefully analyzes marketing expenses. They implement a GoogleAds campaign, social media activities, printing leaflets and catalogues, participation in trade fairs and, of course, updating the website. The largest budget is allocated to GoogleAds ads throughout Poland. That’s nearly PLN 40,000 a month.

At this stage, it is worth asking yourself

why the campaign has such a wide reach? Why did this happen? In the above example, no one analyzed how the customer made the choice. The company may have the best products at the best price and it is worth promoting them, the question is Kazakhstan Telemarketing Data whether a resident of Rzeszów will go to Poznań to buy roller blinds or whether their transport will be profitable? You also need to take into account installation, after-sales the basic  service and complaints. It seems that such mistakes should not be made, but they are very common. A key element in optimizing marketing expenses is knowing the customer. How he communicates, what he reads, what media engages him – these are just a few basic tips that will help you reduce unnecessary expenses.

Basic marketing activities strategy and

Kazakhstan Telemarketing Data

start-up plan. A marketing strategy written in a coherent form guarantees that its message will not be distorted. Analyzes and comparisons, New Zealand Phone Number List Positioning relative to competitors and .Strategic recommendations play. An important role in this document. The whole thing can .Be up to 250-300 pages long, so it’s good to also have. A shortened version that every employee can read . After signing the nda, it the basic  is. Worth submitting the written marketing .Strategy to the agencies carrying .Out the order so that .Each subsequent subcontractor will. Act in accordance with the assumptions. Having such a document .Also facilitates brand. Management by a given company.. When working on building a strategy, research and analyzes are performed, thanks to which we get to know the target group and its needs.

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