Expense Regardless of the differences, we also share with Europe the ne to build a space of active non-alignment so as not to end up crush by the confrontations between the super large. In other words, far from “closing in” more and more on itself, as the anachronistic application of the Monroe Doctrine in the XXI century claims, Latin America must “open up” to this new “post-Western world”, in the words of Oliver Stuenkel. In this world, the parameters, the norms and the resources no longer come only from the North Atlantic countries, as happen in much of the th century, but also from the new emerging powers, l by the BRICS, but also by other countries.
Which In Turn Favors The Formation
From Asia and Africa that open a gap and set the standard. The ten principles of the Bandung conference of , which would originate the NOAL, remain valid. In the new century, we must add to them the Suriname Email Lis Development Goals propos by the UN. The same goes for ensuring respect for agreements relating to the protection of the environment, labor rights and gender equality. Unlike the non-alignment of yesteryear, which along with its proactive decolonization agenda also had a defensive element that sought to stay out of superpower conflicts, this non-alignment will have a proactive attitude and will be effectively non-align.
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It will look for opportunities to expand and not to limit the ties of our countries with that vast non-Western world that is emerging before our eyes, and that will mark the new century. A key aspect refers to global AFB Directory economic governance, a decisive element to improve the international insertion of the region, at the root of its stagnation. Active non-alignment must define the dimensions of globalization that are global public goods and must be the subject of international disciplines. Patent protection is not about global public goods, but about.