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Recognized as That has been complet by placing a date and time stamp next to each item. Clean Your URLs To make optimization as effective as possible you ne to ensure that your clean site displays the correct content and that link values remain the same even if the content changes. It is install clean by default and cannot be disabl but you can do more with the rirection module. Using the rirect module in allows you to rirect from the old to the new . This is useful when you have mov a piece of content to another part of the site or chang it inadvertently.

This module creates a rirect

From old to new on the website. This helps ensure that any plac in will still be resolv when the visitor arrives. This module automates what was once an arduous and ongoing task of repairing broken links. Now you can activate the module Algeria WhatsApp Number List and forget about it. Have you ever mov content, plac the wrong one in a print ad or migrat content from another website then you know what problems this can cause. Using the rirection module you can also create your own manuals. Another great module for is the module. Use modules to automatically generate content that is useful for . This means you don’t ne to manually create every piece of content on your website.

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Implementing Meta Tags Meta

Tags are an important step in making your website as effective as possible. Meta tags are snippets of text us to inform other search engines and social mia sites about the content of each page on your website. This helps to clearly communicate Cambodia Phone Number what they think each page of the site is about and how they want it to be describ on the site. If you don’t do this you will have to rely on search engines to make decisions about your content. While they are very good at this it is important not to leave things to chance. The Meta Tags module allows you to automatically provide title tags and structur metadata to every website page.

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