Por El Covid Más Densamente Pobladas De Las

The urban centers that have seen “anti” demonstrations in recent months with profuse demands. Against lies and omnipresent corruption, against the “health dictatorships” of governments. Against the use of masks, which are burn in public squares. The vindication of freom is ruc to the individual and is concentrat on him, becoming the banner of self-center discourses. Conspiracy theories manage to channel anger and propose arguments tailor to suspicions and frustrations. They find definite culprits, motivations that close: it’s like reading crime novels or police movies, the mystery is solv, leaving us the clarity of knowlge and eliminating uncertainty and doubt.

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The problem is precisely in the breakdown of securities: religion and science knew how to promise. Certainties in a world that can no longer show them. Adherence to science and religion ceases to be bas on Cable and Pay Tv Services Email List two different knowlge schemes bas on different legitimacies and slides towards the plane of cultural identifications . The st century marks the transition from an unquestion perception of science that prevail since the end of the th century towards a more distanc view that questions the association between indefinite progress and limitless scientific development.fifteen. Science and its development, associat with power and money. Are perceiv from more ambivalent positions.

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Progress is question above all ethical background and limits to its intervention are demand. The cracking of discourses consider legitimate for centuries and the questioning of institutions fertilizes the AFB Directory swampy and fragment ground from which conspiracy theories and movements of angry citizens fe, which propose responses to uncertainty. In fears, isolation, the health and economic crisis f them. In a year in which death has approach everyone through acquaintances, friends, relatives and from the screen of the mia, at a time when restlessness and doubt sweep the global world like winds. These theories have grown fat by loneliness and confinement. In this context.

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