Million allegations against Santander

Bank Polska and allegations against the OLX group. I encourage you to follow the news on the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection website. It is worth familiarizing yourself with, among other things , the current results of inspections conducted by the authority: . ABOUT THE AUTHOR Karolina Klimek-Kaźmierczyk – legal advisor at the Mikulski & Partnerzy Law Firm. He deals with compliance, competition law, public procurement, agreements and contracts, as well as ongoing legal advice for businessChanges in the Commercial Companies Code – what an entrepreneur should know Running a business requires knowledge on many levels and knowledge of key economic and legislative changes.

Read about the latest changes in the

Commercial Companies Code and check how it affects your business. Changes in the Commercial Companies Code Share: FacebookLinkedIn Chan Cambodia Telemarketing Data ges in the Commercial Companies Code – introduction Amendments to the Commercial Companies Code (hereinafter referred to as the “Commercial Companies Code”) introduced by the Act of February 9, 2022 amending the Commercial Companies Code and certain other acts (hereinafter referred to as the “Amendment”). The amendment discussed in the article entered into force on October 13, 2022. They may not be a real revolution in the functioning of companies, but they are certainly worth getting acquainted with . Especially if you perform specific functions in a given company or are members of its bodies.

Group of companies – what kind of

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structure is it and what purpose is it supposed to fulfill? One of the key changes is the introduction of a new statutory concept – “group Brazil WhatsApp Number List of companies”. It means the parent company and the company or subsidiaries, which are capital companies, following a common strategy in accordance with the resolution on participation in a group of companies. They act to pursue a common interest (interest of a group of companies). Also justifying the parent company’s exercise of unified management over the subsidiary or subsidiaries. A group of companies is a specific relationship of domination and dependence between the specific companies that constitute it.

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