Customer support is essential to keeping your organization running smoothly. The crossroads of customer support and cost reduction can be a fickle one. You need to maintain a delicate balance to reduce costs without compromising on supporting actual customers.
This balancing act can be fickle, but content plays an important role in helping both sides of this scale
When customers know how to use your product effectively, they are bahamas phone number library more likely to stay happy, and content is a primary provider of customer education. It doesn’t matter whether the training is preliminary product knowledge or advanced user troubleshooting, the goal is the same: to help your customers become more confident.
This makes it worth looking at your content more closely, because you certainly don’t want your content to ruin your customer’s experience, but rather you want it to build their confidence in your product and their confidence in themselves. Here are a few ways you can help them, and in doing so, help your organization.
Create content that helps customers help themselves
No offense, but the last thing your customers want to spend their time Varför är det hög preferensgrad för anpassade lådor? on is a phone call with your customer support team. It’s time consuming, and they’d rather find the answers themselves. Not only that, but the more time your CS team spends on the phone resolving issues, the more your support bills will increase.
The solution lies in carefully constructed self-help reference content. Focusing tg data on high-quality reference content will better enable customers to answer their own questions, and when support calls reach your CS team, customer support will have an equally smooth reference point to guide users to answer their questions.
But what does well-constructed reference content look like? It has several attributes that set it apart from the confusing mess of content that fills the “Help” sections of many products.