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What should advertisers do By 26, 20231262 0 On February 28, 2023, President of the Russian Feration Vladimir Putin sign a law according to which Feral Law No. 53-FZ of June 1, 2005 On the State Lithuania Phone Number List Language of the Russian Feration. Hereinafter referr to as the Law on the State Language) is amend. These changes limit the use of foreign words with common Russian counterparts. What should advertisers do: will they have to change all creatives or panic early? What is the liability for violating the law? Let’s look into these issues. What is this law As we said above, on February Putin sign a new law, according to which amendments are being made to the Law on the State Language.

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The new law is intend to complete the “legal registration of the status of the Russian language as the state language.” Also, its goal is to increase the general level of literacy of citizens. To protect and AFB Directory develop the language culture. Advertisement: 2VtzqvHis There is an explanatory note to the bill . It says: the draft feral law assumes the inadmissibility of the use of foreign words, with the exception of those that do not have commonly us analogues in the Russian language, the list of which is contain in normative dictionaries.

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