E-commerce for pros: an omnichannel approach for your business

E-commerce should be a goldmine for you as a business owner. However, it is often more like filtering gold dust from a muddy creek. Do you recognize this painful fact? Then you have work to do. Better make a big cup of coffee, because this is not going to be an easy task. Am I being demotivating? No, I am being realistic. But if it cheers you up, I will say this: a difficult task can still be rewarding. Think of your loved one. The process of winning him or her over was as magical as the result. So will this be — only with a wheelbarrow filled with 24-carat  gold nuggets  as a reward.

What is omnichannel anyway?

When your customer experiences the same brand, store and service We recive data through professional people so 100% accurate coding in our database Our dump is full valid and updated to 2024 Full access provided duning the pandemic Made with High Quality We are always here available for you (24/7) Your Growth will be your result by having these  special database  databases. Give you GDRP base data bases Our Databases are best for low cost so you can buy our databases. The Database, then — also become an of latest way online marketing passes or product promotions actually do all check and create sale Online marketing This is the another pivotal facet will include only in One business sector. experience through every channel, we call this an omnichannel approach.

That sounds super  straight-forward , but it isn’t. I am a digital citizen of the world par excellence, so it strikes me all the more how many entrepreneurs give all their attention to their physical store (the  bricks ) and see their online presence (the  clicks ) as an additional activity.

An omnichannel company, on the other hand, knows how to create a digital database of each individual customer, containing every moment of purchase and communication:

Purchased products;

Used discount codes and coupons;
Email interaction;
Social media mentions.
Tracking and analyzing this data provides insight. What does that insight lead to? Higher customer satisfaction. And that customer satisfaction is important, as we will see.


Special databases


Increasing customer satisfaction is a means
It is almost taboo to say, but every entrepreneur knows that customer satisfaction is a means to achieve higher turnover, and therefore not a goal in itself. As a butcher, you can give away your meat for free. That will lead to high customer satisfaction and yet nobody does it. Of course not, because the goal is to make money.

Omnichannel brands know that running physical and online stores equally makes the customer happy: a 24/7 shopping experience is what the consumer wants. The 24/7 opportunity to interact with your brand creates loyalty. And loyalty is a requirement for structural revenue growth.

I have seen it work countless times in practice. In fact, putting companies in an omnichannel funnel is my forte. When I came up with an omnichannel approach for  Woodcom, a webshop in firewood and briquettes , years ago , we absolutely expected an increase in turnover. We thought we could double turnover. But who would have thought that turnover would  increase tenfold within a few years ?

Omnichannel works.


Photo source: Clay Banks on Unsplash
Belgians like to shop online
The numbers speak for themselves. No less than 66% of Belgians describe themselves as online shoppers, according to researchers from Statbel . What is also clear: shopping is not limited to a pair of shoes at Zalando (although clothing and shoes do make up the largest part of purchases at 42%). Electronics (31%), books (21%) and cosmetics and skin care (18%) are also massively purchased online. Worldwide, 30% of all furniture and home furnishings were purchased online in 2017, according to the  PWC Retail Survey 2018 .

Well, it will be clear that multichannel is not a fad, but a necessity. But now the question arises: how do  you make  your company omnichannel?


An omnichannel approach is never simple

I will share with you the tip of all tips, the Alpha Tip so to speak: work with  an omnichannel expert  !

They have the expertise needed to bring these kinds of complex tasks to a success. And really, it doesn’t have to be Motionmill, as long as it’s someone who has chopped with this axe before.

Whoever you choose, your expert will always act according to these four guidelines:


 Perfect the purchasing process across all channels


Make the website usable on mobile phones and tablets. Display online telegram library reviews to help the customer in their decision-making. Make it easy to share products on your site on social media. Provide the customer with a tiptop customer service with chat boxes, a forum, you name it. Make it possible to buy something online and pick it up in the physical store.


 Provide data management and analysis

On every channel that the customer visits, he leaves traces: this data ao lists must be collected and analyzed. Much of this can be automated, but some of it is human work, such as analyzing Google Analytics. Newsletter registrations (with indicated preference indications), used discount codes, wish lists in the webshop, uncompleted transactions and recently viewed products are just a few examples of data that can be capitalized on. And remember: that discount code can be used in the physical store, but also online. ALL channels are important!


 Devise a strategy around experience and perception

Even though many people buy online, the importance of a brick and glass store cannot be underestimated. Stores are increasingly becoming experience centers where the experience is central. This ensures that the customer will love your brand. The actual purchase of the product can happen later, on the internet. A personalized customer experience that combines the best of online and offline shopping is what you should strive for. Think outside the proverbial box: what possibilities do virtual reality and augmented reality offer for your company, for example?


  Build a marketing plan without holes

Marketing is becoming increasingly sophisticated and you have to keep up with it to not lose the battle for the consumer. It’s all about finding meaningful interactions with the customer. Fortunately, you’ve saved and analyzed all the data you can use for this: when the customer tagged your brand on social media, when the customer’s birthday is, when the customer visited your store. Send offers to the customer when he or she is most receptive to them. Upsell and cross-sell based on the customer’s purchasing behavior. Marketing has to be watertight. If there are gaps (because you don’t manage the data properly, for example), you’ll miss opportunities for interactions.

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