When the economic crises of the late s and other discourses, originating from neoliberalism, began to populate political languages, intellectuals enter into a crisis. Economy and modernization replac the interest in democracy and its forms. In the world of ideas, the panorama was, rather, one of desolation in the face of the fall of eighties optimism. The historian Hilda SábatoHe ask himself in : «Where did the expectations, projects and illusions of political refoundation in a democratic key that society display in end up?» At the turn of the century, the realization that democracy alone was not enough was clear.
They Come In Different Lengths
As was the desolation of a world that had chang without the intellectuals having fully realiz it. Not only did the project of ethical refoundation of the eighties seem defeat, but society also chang Cyprus B2B List and, with it, the modern schemes that, with variations, intellectuals had inhabit for many years. Among these changes were the new ways of doing politics (focus less on the party and more on polls, mia appearances and marketing), the “hyper-specialization” of academic work, the transition to digital platforms and the growing social fragmentation.
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Even if the intellectuals had been able to give an answer about what had happen to their eighties expectations, it was less and less clear to whom they could address these speeches. Today, many AFB Directory of these intellectuals have withdrawn to their academic work, others continue to participate in the public debate in the mia, knowing that they run the risk of their ideas being simplifi to the maximum. Enzo Traverso has written that after the fall of the really existing socialisms in , with the fall of the Berlin wall, a left melancholy ” superven . The case of the socialist intellectuals could not be further from this characterization if we circumscribe it to the s.