Copywriter Portfolio:

The employer posts a vacancy, receives several dozen responses and starts reviewing them. Getting to know each candidate begins with a cover letter and a portfolio – so our task is to make a portfolio that will not repeat the customer and will create reasons to work with us.

Here are some key rules on how to do this  

Rule 1. Make the portfolio easy to open. The client “pokes” through whatsapp data   dozens of portfolios – if among them there is one that needs to be downloaded, unzipped, searched for in a folder in Google Drive, he will simply skip it and move on to the next one. Ideally, when the portfolio opens immediately via a link – your own website, Notion or Google Docs are suitable for this.

Rule 2. Don’t hide. That’s just the way we are: to meet someone, you need to see what they look like and know their name. That’s why good portfolios always have a good photo, with their first and last names written down.

Rule 3. Write only the most important things about yourself. No “I am a mother of three angelic sons.” Tell us what you can do, what experience you have, what topics you understand, and what training you

have completed. For example:

whatsapp data

I can write on legal topics without an expert, explain complex terms in simple language.

Rule 4. Add examples of work. The points above were important, but this is the most important. You need to fill your portfolio with your cases: written articles, launched newsletters, led editorial teams and

other tasks that you have done.

Add not just examples of work, but a short story it leverjen fan in artikel letter dan ferwachte kin   about what you did and for whom. For example, for an article you collected 10 comments from 10 founders of content marketing agencies. This shows that you write based on experience and experts, and not an Internet search. If possible, write the results: 600 new subscribers came, the open rate of letters increased by 10%.

Now let’s see how all these rules look in practice. We’ve collected 8 editorial and copywriting portfolios – perhaps you’ll take some of the solutions for yourself.
Portfolio of UX editor Maria Selyavko

Portfolio made on Tilda

It’s immediately clear where I’ve ended up. Maria’s position, formats, and alb directory   skills are listed on beautiful multi-colored plates. There’s a good portrait photo, experience working with large companies is described, and at the very top of the landing page there are contacts with a hyperlink — all of this helps create a mini-presentation on the first screen. This is great, because a person understands what Maria does in a couple of seconds.

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