Mvnos are companies that offer mobile services to customers without owning the underlying network infrastructure. Instead. They lease network capacity from established carriers and provide their own branded services to subscribers. In this case. The phone number is associated with both the mvno and the carrier that actually owns the network. This allows mvnos to offer their unique plans and services while utilizing the infrastructure of a larger carrier. Temporary call forwarding: users to forward calls from their primary phone number to another number.
Such as a temporary or secondary device
This feature can be handy in situations where one wants to maintain accessibility while using different devices or phone lines. In this Switzerland Email List case. The phone number remains associated with the original carrier while temporarily being associated with the secondary device or number. Roaming: when a user travels to a different country or region. They may experience international roaming. Roaming enables users to use their mobile devices and phone numbers while connected to foreign networks.
During this time The phone number
Is associated with both the home carrier and the roaming carrier. This allows users to make and receive calls. Send messages. And use data AFB Directory services while abroad. However. It’s important to note that the roaming association is temporary and only persists as long as the user is in the foreign network’s coverage area. Number recycling: in certain cases. Phone numbers can be recycled and reassigned to different subscribers after a period of inactivity or when the previous user terminates their service. In such instances.