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Ad Objective
Once there, the first thing we have to define is the objective of our ad. This will depend on what we want to achieve: sell more?, get more likes ?, receive more messages?,

Having this clear is essential to select an objective that works for us, but we must keep in mind that not all objectives allow us to advertise in all possible locations.

For example

The “interaction” objective will not allow us to create an ad on Instagram stories.

That’s why it’s important to control your anxiety and take the time to think about the objective and location of your ad.

Step 3: Target Audience

It’s time to identify the target audience for your ad. This step is vital to success; you ne to know who you’re talking to in order to know the best way to convey your message.

This way, we can choose the geographic location of our audience, their language, their age lawyer database and gender, and other options such as their interests and behaviors.


In this way

You can choose to reach men in their thirties with children Groovefunnels vs ClickFunnels: cal constrúe funnels máis potentes? who live in Punta Carretas, in the same way that you can choose women between 40 and 60 years old who are interest in architecture and live in Tacuarembó, for example.

In addition, the platform itself will tell you whether your audience is well defin, too broad or too narrow.

Step 4: Location

Now that we have defin our objective and our audience, it is gambler data time to specify in which locations we want our ad to be display.

At this point we have two options: either let the platform automatically choose where to display, bas on the objective and audience we set before, or manually choose the locations for our ad.

As a general rule, it’s best to let your ad run on all available placements, regulating itself, unless you want, for some reason, to remove a placement or leave only one.

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