Could notice huge improvements in the short term. Remember – I will never get tired of saying this – people are very distracted on the web, definitely more than you might imagine. For this reason your content must first and fore most be usable. Never forget that your visitors’ attention must be earned and is never taken for granted. Look at this image, given the same textual content, in your opinion . In which of the two versions will the user almost certainly abandon the page . Without even trying to understand if it contains the information they are looking for.
Google user signals Using correct formatting accompanied
By clearly visible explanatory Spain Phone Number Data titles and paragraphs that are not excessively long will certainly allow the user to better evaluate the content. This condition, as you can well understand, offers you some more possibilities. By providing well-formatted content you will . Believe it or not offer multiple touchpoints, increasing the chances that your user will stop there. In recent years, tons of content have been created with the sole intention of making a few more visits. Never before, however, especially following the latest algorithmic updates on Google’s core (damn them), are contents rewarded only if they actually respond to the user’s precise search intent.
In simple terms, this means that you can no longer
Expect to see your pages Thailand Phone Number List or articles rewarded if they talk about too many topics at once. For the search engine, the ideal behavior is that which sees the user . Carry out a search and then “rummage” for the time necessary to ensure that his beautiful banners . Almost certainly present on the site. Believe it or not the point of clicking on it. Ok, I know that I probably shouldn’t have said this so bluntly – in fact it remains debatable – but in the years that I’ve been doing this job this is exactly what I’ve come to think. Considering landing a user on a relevant page that is perfectly in line with their search intent is therefore convenient.