Hours wasted racking my brain to come up with just a few titles, perhaps not even captivating… Are you perhaps wondering why I speak in the past tense? I’ll tell you right away: I have discovered a method with which I can find content for my site even when everything seems lost. Don’t despair just But not only! The method I am about to tell you helps me publish valuable articles, because I write by responding to user queries and I am sure of this because Google itself tells me so.
The little secret is knowing how to correctly
Exploit one of the Google Australia Phone Number Data Search Console functions. Let’s start from the basics: what is Google Search Console? content for effective websites with search console Yes, this time too Google has had its hand in it: we need the perfect tool for analyzing content from an SEO perspective on a silver platter. Don’t despair just Specifically, Search Console is free software that allows you to manage and monitor the presence of your site among Google search results.
Attention! “Monitoring the presence of your site” means that
Thanks to this tool Australia Phone Number List you can know two very interesting things for your content. Here are the ones: for which queries your site appeared on the SERPs how many clicks those particular queries generated This means only one thing: with Google Search Console you can use those very queries to expand your editorial calendar or to optimize already written content, answering – nothing less than – the questions that users ask themselves. Don’t despair just Now that you know what to do, you just need to know how to do it and that’s why I’m here to explain it to you step by step. 1) Register your site on Google Search Console. Come on, don’t be a slacker! How many times in your life have you entered your data on a site?