Steps of Configuration for React Native In App Purchase Android Important: You must activate a Merchant The actions we account in your Google Developer account before you can generate React Native In App Purchase Android. Enter your Google Developer login information here. From the menu on the left, choose the “Settings” option. You’ll find a link to activate your Merchant account at the bottom of this page if you scroll down.
You must get your license
Billing Key from your Google Developer account The actions we after activating your merchant account. Choose “All Applications” from the menu on the left. Then choose the app you want to Iran Phone Number Data apply the IAP React Native to: Select “Services and APIs” from the menu on the left, located under “Development Tools.” The field labeled “Your license key for this program” allows you to copy the license key. The field labeled “Your license key for this program” allows you to copy the license key.
Your license billing key has now
Submitted, and your merchant account is active. Select your app from the list. Using the menu on the left, select the “In-App Products” option. The In-App Products section can be found under Iran Phone Number List Store Presence page of your app’s listing if your app has been active on the Play Store for some time but you have only recently decided to include.