They equate planning with strategy and

subsequent mistakes are made very easily. The key to success in working on the strategy is to develop its specific positioning so that it is identifi in the same, specific way by the brand’s recipients. Differences between marketing strategy and tactics In practice, we confuse strategy with tactics, which also shows a wrong approach to business planning in general. Strategy in its meaning is focus on the long-term stage of action, while tactics concerns the short term. Many managers, when planning activities in the area of ​​marketing, but also business, look at the near future, at what is going to happen “here and now”. The lack of a long-term approach to setting goals and tasks to be achieved and the lack of building probable action scenarios leads to a situation in which business operates ad hock, without analysis and without thought.

This type of activities result in ill-considered

and inappropriate marketing expenses, their low effects and business frustration for managers. Marketing strategy – why should companies Sri Lanka Telemarketing Data have it ? From a business planning and marketing perspective, the key arguments for having a marketing strategy are: the possibility of increasing the perception of the company’s value thanks to the creation of a strong brand, brand consistency, which increases its value in the eyes of recipients, i.e. they are willing to pay more for products or services. In our opinion, writing a strategic document is necessary, because only its formalized form can have an impact. Otherwise, oral transmission in the future will lead to it being distorted, changed or forgotten.

The written strategy also aims to develop

Sri Lanka Telemarketing Data

the brand’s position in comparison to its competitors so that it will be remember by the recipients. In the long run, this will translate into increas Iran Phone Number List sales. In may 2021, our company conduct .A survey among managers, directors and .Company owners, in which the respondents. Indicat that 54% had a marketing .Strategy, of which in written form.33% have a strategy as a presentation. 22% as an excel document. 7% of respondents .With a strategy admitt that .It was “In the ceo’s head.” at the same time, as global .Research shows, 81% of company. Presidents perceive marketing .As a key factor of growth .And development. At the same time, 70% of respondents. Do not believe that marketing has .The right place and role in the company.

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