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A good desk can be an essential piece of furniture for a home office, and demand for desks may increase during a recession as more people work from home. Office chairs: A comfortable, supportive office chair can be important for maintaining good posture and rucing the risk of back and neck pain. Office supplies: Products such as pens, paper, and envelopes may be in high demand as people work from home and ne to purchase office supplies. Computer accessories: Products such as keyboards, mice, and monitors may be in demand as people set up home offices. Phone and video conferencing equipment: Products such as headsets.

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Microphones and webcams may be in demand as people communicate with colleagues remotely. Printing supplies: Products such as printer ink and paper may be in high demand as people work from home Nursing Homes Email List and ne to print documents. Office organization products: Products such as file folders, binders, and label makers may be in demand as people try to keep their home offices organiz. Lighting: Good lighting can be important for maintaining a comfortable, productive home office, and demand for lighting products may increase during a recession. Home office decor: Products such as plants, artwork, and desk organizers may be in demand as people try to create a pleasant, inspiring home office environment.

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Health and wellness products wellness products to sell during a recession During times of stress, people may be more focus on their mental and physical health and may be more likely to purchase products relat to AFB Directory wellness, such as supplements, exercise equipment, and mitation aids. Here are examples of health and wellness products that an eCommerce store owner might consider selling during a recession: Vitamins and supplements: Products such as multivitamins, fish oil, and probiotics may be in demand as people try to support their immune systems and overall health.

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