The Stard One Which Is Enabled By Default

Automatically Manually, the process is easy, but long, especially if there are a lot of goods. We will consider a more complex, automatic one. To do this, go to the section “Data Sources” Data fe is an option for those who. Already work with XML files and understand what a product fe is, us XML you can upload your products; Affiliate platform. Here you can easily automatically download products if you are already us one of these partner platforms. It will be very convenient for those who have a WordPress store us. The Woo Commerce plugin A pixel is the most difficult option, here we ne a developer who.

In Of Cases It Will Be Enough For

Us instructions from Facebook, will mark products with special tags. On your part. You will ne to place the pixel on the site . In addition, I will say that for the Open Cart engine there is a separate Sudan B2B List plugin for transferr goods to Facebook, it is call Facebook Business Extension . After transferr products to Facebook, you can set up product groups accord to. Some parameters in order to subsequently more accurately display ads with the select product group to the audience we ne. Product groups are creat in the same Commerce Manager , only in a different tab How to set up an ad for Catalog Sales Let’s get back to creat an advertis campaign. We have chosen the necessary goal, now let’s look at the features of sett up this campaign.

B2B Email List

You To Use Two Views The First Is

By the way, catalog sales are essentially one of the retarget methods . Choos the goal “Sales by catalog” , you will ne to select a The next option is to go through the advertis account AFB Directory menu In Commerce Manager, we can add products manually. Catalog, and then a group of products with which we want to work. In one campaign, you can create as many ad groups as you want, and each of them can work with its own product group.

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