Future for the mapuche . Now, what is meant by self-determination? In , at the Third National. Assembly of the Mapuche People conven by Ad Mapu, it was stat: “The Occupation meant the interruption of the development process of our. People and the corner of our population in indigenous reservations.” In the follow points, the Assembly pronounces itself in favor of the. Autonomy and self-determination of our people. Insofar as we must be managers and protagonists of our own development process” and concludes by uphold the desire to “participate in the draft of a new Political.
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Constitution that protects and guarantees our rights and cultural. Heritage in accordanc. With our ethnic identity»fifteen. In , in the magazine Nütram –Ad Mapu ‘s ideological organ–, it was stat: «a Mapuche without land is not a Mapuche». Years later, in a conversation with Ana Llao, leader of Ad Mapu, she recall how the Armenia B2B List ne for a new Constitution was rais that would recognize the Mapuche as subjects of rights . The pressure within Ad Mapu to enforce the commitments of the candidate for the. Presidency of the Concertation of Parties for Democracy, such as constitutional recognition, the ratification of Convention of the International Labor Organization ( ilo ) and the creation of a regulation of protection and promotion of identity.
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Sought to specify a commitment of the opposition to the dictatorship. Within the framework of a wave of. Democratization on a global scale . The Indigenous Law of . Not exempt from colonial visions AFB Directory design affirmative policies that allow the development of the Mapuche population on the basis of ucational insertion. Economic support for students. The promotion of the arts and insertion in the ucational system. on the basis of identity affirmation policies. Almost years after that law, it is feasible to think that the new challenges associat with the politicization of identity are relat. To two new realities: the rise of the. Autonomist movement and affirmation policies. Both, subscrib to an economic model.