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Help marketers Website analysis by SEO criteria ChatGPT is able to crawl your website and give you opinion about content, keywords, page optimization. Bas on the information receiv, the bot can help develop an SEO strategy and give advice on how to improve existing indicators. An example query would look like this: “Analyze the page (URL) in terms of SEO: keywords, meta tags, alt.” This text can be chang and adapt to your nes. How to use ChatGPT from Russia and how the neural network can help marketers Analysis of meta tags on the site AI sees title and description meta tags on site pages. At the same time, the chatbot is able to analyze the quality of this content and offer its own version.

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If you formulate the request correctly, it will even add keywords to the meta tags. Have ChatGPT check the title and description against the URL, or create them from scratch. If the page already has Buy Bulk SMS India content, the neural network will analyze it and formulate meta tags with keywords bas on the data receiv. If the text has not yet been add to the page, you can copy the key phrases that should be in the content so that the bot makes a title and description bas on them. How to use ChatGPT from Russia and how the neural network can help marketers In contextual and target advertising.

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The neural network is capable of not only performing simple functions (for example, writing an ad for contextual advertising), but also solving more complex tasks, such as creating a promotion strategy. Gathering AFB Directory Benefits ChatGPT will analyze the content on the site and highlight the main advantages of the company from it. If you want to use such USPs in contextual advertising, the system can make them no longer than characters. Then you won’t even ne to optimize them for further work. How to use ChatGPT from Russia.

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